Thursday, August 12, 2010

Soaking up the last days of freedom!

Well, its finally hitting me that my summer is almost over! And as I only have another three weeks or so to wear my Lilly (my school is conservative and anything that hits above the knee is a no-no; so most of my Lilly is out!) I have been wearing a dress everyday! And I finally broke down and bought the Sullivan Dress on sale.

This dress is amazingly comfy! I now know why people were dying for it at the beginning of the summer.

Anyone on Rue La La today for some Jack Rogers? I stopped by but was unimpressed. The only thing I liked was a pair of flats but they weren't in my size. I feel like RLL really doesn't have enough stock and sizes for most of the recent sales.

On another note, I have been reading all over about Jacks VS Bonannos. I have a few pairs of Jacks because I am leery about ordering foorwear online and there isn't a store carrying Bonannos near me; so can anyone tell me why one or another? Or even why there's this huge 'cult' following for Bonannos? I think Bonannos have an awesome story but haven't had the chance to compare them in person. (Please give me all your open and honest opinions on both brands; I am interested in buying the best/most comfortable sandals out there!!)



  1. Glad you like the dress!!! I looked at JR on my phone but wasn't impressed either. I only have one pair of Bonanno's and they're okay so I don't know what to say!

  2. I think you have just solidified the fact that I definitely NEED to get that adorable Sullivan dress. I am a Jack Rogers girl so I'm not really sure about quality of Bonannos, but lots of people swear that Bonannos are the originals...

    read this post by Summer is a Verb and see if it helps!
