Friday, November 12, 2010

Lilly Warehouse Sale

Valley Forge Convention Center finally updated the Lilly warehouse sale posting and we have details for line number distribution; the doors will open at 9 AM and numbers will be handed out at 6 pm. Now, I'm trying to be reasonable but how am I supposed to work to pay for my new Lilly if I'm supposed to be in line all day waiting for a number! I will probably get there around 3 or so and just hope its early enough to get a number for Friday morning.

Here are the details...

I am getting so excited; as usual!
Anyone else going???



  1. Grrr, man, I wish I was going! Good luck shopping!!

  2. I really wish I lived closer. A lot of bloggers are posting their stories from sales past and I have to say, I'm a bit intimidated to go now! Best of luck and make sure to snap some pics of the craziness for posting xoxo

  3. I'm so jealous that you're going! Please post pics. I'd love to see a great big sea of Lilly and your new collection.
