It look me forever to choose; I lamented for days over which to pick but this one seems the best for for me; long enough to wear to for work since I am up and down in the book stacks all day but short enough I don't feel like an old lady!
In other news, I'm back to school and I wore my Pandamonium skirt today and I am devastated!!! I somehow got a hole near the hem line! Its not huge but I don't know how it happened at all! I guess I won't wear too much Lilly to work anymore; every time I do, something seems to get damaged; who knew library work was so dangerous to your clothes health! HA!
What new fall clothes; Lilly and otherwise are you loving this upcoming fall????
In other news, I'm back to school and I wore my Pandamonium skirt today and I am devastated!!! I somehow got a hole near the hem line! Its not huge but I don't know how it happened at all! I guess I won't wear too much Lilly to work anymore; every time I do, something seems to get damaged; who knew library work was so dangerous to your clothes health! HA!
What new fall clothes; Lilly and otherwise are you loving this upcoming fall????